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North Sarasota

Multimodal Connector

North Sarasota

Multimodal Connector


On February 6, 2024, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), pursuant to 23 U.S.C. § 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated May 26, 2022, and executed by the Federal Highway Administration and FDOT, granted Location and Design Concept Acceptance for the North Sarasota Multimodal Connector from Lakewood Ranch Boulevard to North Cattlemen Road.

Project Description

The project proposes a four-lane overpass, two eastbound and two westbound lanes, over I-75, between the Fruitville Road and University Parkway interchanges in Sarasota County. The project is in the Lakewood Ranch area, a large mixed-used development and activity center. I-75 is a six-lane, Urban Principal Arterial-Interstate with a speed limit of 70 miles per hour. 

Three build alternatives were evaluated as part of the proposed overpass project. The alternatives were as follows:

Alternative 1: North Cattlemen Road to Lakewood Ranch Boulevard

Alternative 2: North Cattlemen Road to Lakewood Ranch Boulevard

Alternative 3: North Cattlemen Road to Professional Parkway

Alternative 2 was selected as the preferred alternative. The preferred alternative analysis is currently ongoing.


The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been, carried out by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) pursuant to 23 U.S.C. § 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated December 14, 2016 and executed by Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and FDOT. 


Purpose and Need

The purpose of the project is to enhance access to destinations east and west of I-75 and to provide relief of traffic congestion on both Fruitville Road and University Parkway, partly attributed to increased traffic demand from existing and planned development in the Lakewood Ranch area. The need for the project is supported by improving transportation network connectivity and improving operational conditions.

Existing and planned developments in the Lakewood Ranch area have increased the travel demand to use Fruitville Road and University Parkway and their interchanges with I-75. Currently there is no efficient access to employment centers and commercial activity in the Lakewood Ranch area and other destinations east and west of I-75 within the vicinity of the project area. Under existing conditions, travelers have access to Lakewood Ranch area and other destinations east and west of I-75 via Fruitville Road and University parkway which are congested and travelers experience long delays. Traffic analysis documented in the Traffic Technical Memorandum: I-75 Overpass Transportation Impact Assessment (prepared in Feb. 2016; revised in Sept. 2016) suggests that creating a link that connects destinations east and west of I-75 and Lakewood Ranch area would relieve existing and future congestions on Fruitville Road and University parkway, and therefore, improve accessibility for travelers. 

Sarasota County Logo
Project Map

Project Map

Map_Preferred Alt.jpg

What is PD&E ?

What is a PD&E Study? 

A Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Study is a phase of the Florida Department of Transportation's (FDOT) highway development process. A PD&E Study assists FDOT and local governments in determining the location, conceptual design and social, economic and environmental effects of proposed improvements. The process follows procedures set forth in the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 and federal and state laws and regulations. During the PD&E Study process, feasible alternatives are developed for improvement projects. These "Build" alternatives are evaluated based on environmental, engineering, and socioeconomic conditions, safety needs and public input. The need for additional right-of-way for sidewalk improvements or stormwater will also be evaluated during the PD&E Study phase. The "No-Build" alternative is evaluated throughout the study process. This "No-Build" alternative leaves the existing conditions as is, with only routine maintenance as required. If the study results in a "Build" alternative being selected, the project may proceed to the next phase, which is the design phase. The basic activities of a PD&E Study include: 

Data Collection 
The first major work effort is the collection of all available data pertaining to the study corridor including existing infrastructure, traffic counts, existing and future land uses, drainage patterns, locations of wetlands and habitat for threatened or endangered species, potential contamination sites, archaeological and historic resources, and population demographics.  


Alternatives Development and Analysis 
Once data collection is completed, the Department develops and evaluates various alignment alternatives, including a “No-Build” alternative. The “No-Build” alternative assumes no improvements other than routine maintenance. The environmental impacts, social impacts and costs of these alternatives are quantified and summarized in an evaluation matrix.  

Alternatives Public Meeting 
Combining the public input with the needs of the corridor, an alternative will be developed and evaluated along with the “No-Build” alternative (which leaves the corridor as is) during the PD&E Study. This meeting presents the environmental and social impacts as well as estimated costs of the alternative as compared to the “No-Build” alternative. The public is provided with an opportunity to view and comment on the alternative under consideration.  

Public Hearing 
After all public comments are reviewed and the analysis of the alternative has been refined, a formal public hearing is held to provide a forum for input from property owners and interested parties on the final recommendations. A final decision is not made until after the public hearing.  


Final Acceptance 
After the comments from the public hearing have been received, considered and addressed, the project reports will be finalized and submitted to the FDOT on behalf of FHWA for Location and Design Concept acceptance. Once acceptance is granted, the PD&E Study phase of the project will be complete. The phases that follow the PD&E Study are design of the project, acquisition of right-of-way, if necessary, and construction of the improvements. 

What is PD&E?
Project Schedule

Project Schedule

Public Involvement

Public Involvement

Public Hearing

The Public Hearing was held on August 16, 2022. Public comments will be accepted until August 30, 2022 to be included in the public hearing record.

Public Workshop

A Virtual Public Workshop was held November 12 through December 3, 2020.  Input from this workshop will be used in determining a preferred alternative.

Public Comments

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